Denim Fabric Characteristics

As a trusted seller of denim fabric, we know a lot about denim. And about what sort of denim is best for certain applications. That is because we understand the characteristics of denim. Overall, denim is a durable material. It is made from a unique twill weaving process. This is where the dyed yards run the length of the fabric. This is called the warp. And the white or un-dyed yards that run across the width direction is called the weft. As long-time Long Island denim suppliers, we understand the characteristics of denim fabric and what applications are best for certain types of denim.

Here are some of the characteristics of denim fabric.

Cotton Thread and Twill Weave

Cotton makes denim. You spin the cotton to free it of any debris. The actual fabric is made using twill, which is a weave. This is when both dyed and natural threads get spun together in a specific pattern. This pattern creates the diagonal effect on its surface.

Its Blue Color

Nothing distinguishes denim more than its blue color. In order to get this color, threads are dyed indigo and interlace with the natural-colored crosswise threads. The blue color then sits on top of the fabric, which leads to its potential to fade when it is washed. In order to prevent fading, turning the fabric inside out can do the trick.

Great Durability

Many people love denim fabric due to its outstanding durability. It is a very strong material that does not snag or tear easily. It is also a breathable material that you can iron at high temperatures. And it creases easily to give it a unique look. When you first use the denim fabric as jeans, it is often quite stiff. But over time it softens.


In general, the weft threads are a thicker and more coarse yarn. So they may contain slub fibers. These slubs will cause natural variations in the weave of the denim, which makes the fabric more unique when it is washed.

Slubs will create more significant highs and lows in the fabric. This ultimately causes more abrasion during the washing process. In the end, there will be a contrast within the jean garment itself. The value of denim often comes from the unique characteristics created by this process. So when the value of a denim fabric is higher, just know it was the slubs!

Long Island Denim Suppliers

For more information about the denim we sell, we get in touch with us today. We will happily answer any questions or concerns you may have about all the denim fabric we sell. We sell denim fabric in retail quantities, which makes us perfect for small and large manufacturers. Buy our denim today!

Shop Our Denim

Included in our selection is stretch denim fabric, which is a great material for denim manufacturers and DIYers to use. We sell denim fabric by the yard. Learn more about the pricing available and give us a call today.